Friday, June 19, 2009

First iPhone 3G S Teardown Posted

Thanks to electronics repair service RapidRepair, we now know a little more about what powers the iPhone 3G S, as they have posted the first 3G S teardown guide.
The Kalamazoo, Michigan repair shop travelled all the way to Paris—That's Paris, France, mind you, not Paris, Texas—in order to get an iPhone hours before they're available in the US and beat everyone else to the iPhone teardown party.
While RapidRepair's teardown doesn't get too specific into the iPhone 3G S's processor speed and such (T-Mobile Netherlands leaked those details last week), RapidRepair does reveal that the 3G S uses a Samsung processor and Toshiba NAND flash memory for storage. Also, the battery is not soldered in, so it should be farily easy for an Apple repair technician to replace. Exciting stuff, indeed.
It might go without saying, but disassembling your iPhone will void your warranty. If you're a daring soul, though, RapidRepair has the complete teardown instructions on its Web site. And visit for more on the iPhone 3G S launch, which will hit the United States in mere hours.

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