Saturday, June 20, 2009

Asia Leads in Broadband Growth

Asia is leading the growth for broadband despite the global economic downturn, with China overtaking the U.S. as the biggest market, and some Southeast Asia countries also growing their broadband market fast.
Industry group Broadband Forum revealed some of the latest broadband and IPTV statistics at the ongoing CommunicAsia 2009 regional trade fair and summit here on Tuesday.
According to a report prepared by Point Topic for the industry group, broadband grew by 16.6 million lines globally in the last quarter with Asia leading the way to make up 45% of the global connections to date. Broadband lines worldwide now number 429.9 million with China contributing 88 million lines and India contributing 6.1 million lines.
Among the fast growing countries in the Southeast Asian region are the Philippines and Vietnam growing at double digits year-on-year at 68.47% and 60.94%, respectively.
In the rest of the South and East Asian region, India is among the fast growing countries, growing year-on-year at 68.47%.
In the Point Topic report, among the countries in the South and East Asian region are China, India, Hong Kong and Vietnam. The rest of the Southeast Asian countries, including Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand, are grouped under the Asia-Pacific region.
Growth in IPTV was noticeable in the Asian region led by South and East Asian region. Last quarter, IPTV grew by 10.28% in the South and East Asian region while the entire Asia-Pacific region slowed down by 1.74%. Year-on-year, the South and East Asian region grew 91.28% while the Asia-Pacific region has grown only 14.74%.
Broadband Forum COO Robin Mersh said in a press conference announcing the statistics that the figures are quite impressive given the global economic turmoil.
"This report shows that despite the economic situation the word is facing, the demand for both broadband and IPTV continues at pace as people everywhere look to improve the quality and speed of their communications," said George Dobrowski, chairman and president of the Broadband Forum, in a statement

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